[本刊记者撰述】国家干训局(Biro Tatanegara)课程 的争议继续烧,纳兹里今日在国会反讥捍卫国家干训局课程的前首相马哈迪是“该死的种族主义者”(bloody racist),并重申内阁之前翻新有关课 程的决定。此外,印度人国大党副主席兼西金马仑区国会议员德瓦马尼(SK Devamany)也承认有关课程内容应该翻新。
除 此之外,巫统所掌控的《马来西亚前锋报》(Utusan Malaysia)与《每日新闻》(Berita Harian)这两周来都刊登了许多捍卫国家 干训局课程的言论,并回击这些反对言论是一些“卖国贼”要把有关课题政治化所导致。其中《马来西亚前锋报》在昨日要求政府不应该向国家干训局的反对声浪妥 协。
尽管国阵内部声浪不一,国阵其他成员党都未评论此课题,但是印度人国大党副主席兼西金马仑区国会议员德瓦马尼(SK Devamany)今日也承认有关课程内容应该翻新。
根据网络媒体《马来西亚局内人》的报道,德瓦马尼了解到,国家干训局扮演的角色是为全国人民筑起爱国主义。“若课程是不利于国民团结,并有违宪法与国家原则(Rukun Negara)及马来西亚的精神,那他们就绝对需要重新检视了。”
国 家干训局课程在过去数周受到各界围攻,民联领袖都指有关课程被用作灌输种族分裂观念的工具。虽然政府一直强调国家干训局课程的主旨是向出席者灌输爱国精 神,惟曾经出席过这课程的参与者却给予相反的证言,被指是巫统透过植入种族憎恶感和‘巫裔拥最高权威(Ketuanan Melayu)’的概念,用作守 住巫裔支持率的工具。
德 瓦马尼(左图黑衣者)透露,他和马华公会总会长翁诗杰曾经向国家首席秘书长西迪哈山(Sidek Hassan)反映这项课题。他指出,他与翁诗杰两人在 去年在会议中有提出国家干训局的问题,因为有当时有报道称课程内容涉及敏感课题,当中就有参与者向他们投诉,但却苦无证据。
By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 7 — Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz has called Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad a “bloody racist” for defending the Biro Tata Negara (BTN) courses, and reasserted the Cabinet’s earlier decision to overhaul the programme.
Nazri pointed out to reporters in Parliament today that patriotism was not meant only for the Malays but for all Malaysians.
“You must be a Malaysian whether you’re a minister or not. You must walk your talk. Don’t just because when you were PM, you wanted everyone to support you, you’re Malaysian and the moment you’re no longer PM, that’s it, only talk about the Malays so I cannot accept his comment. When you read his blog it is bloody racist.
“I strongly feel the BTN courses must be in line with the 1 Malaysia slogan by the PM,” he said.
Dr Mahathir had said yesterday that there was no need to revamp BTN’s training modules in the current form and that it was suitable for instilling the patriotic spirit among Malaysians.
Nazri also slammed Umno’s Utusan Malaysia newspaper today, saying its “denial syndrome is making me laugh.” The minister in the prime minister’s department repeated his stand that “everybody knows what the BTN is,” so there was nothing to hide.
“I just want them to know, they should not go on a denial syndrome because their syllabus is known to everybody. Don’t think that people outside do not know about the syllabus based on patriotism for Malays. I just want to remind them that among those in the opposition, Hasan Ali was a former deputy director of BTN and Sungai Petani MP Johari Abdul was a BTN former director and Anwar Ibrahim’s father in law was involved with the BTN.
“They all know what the syllabus is all about so who are we to say that it did not happen? You want to lie? You make people laugh. I mean there are people who attended the courses who came out very angry. There were many instances of the use of words like Ketuanan Melayu (Malay supremacy). It is ridiculous so I want them to tell me where did I go wrong in supporting the revamping of the BTN syllabus. Tell me where I went wrong?” he asked.
Nazri stressed that BTN was funded by public money and that the funds should be spent properly for the betterment of all communities.
“The BTN’s allocation is mentioned in the PM’s department’s budget. So it’s public money. So if it’s public money then we need to ensure that it is spent properly, not to have courses only to concentrate on one community in the country.
“You talk about patriotism, love for the country. Patriotism is for all Malaysians regardless of race. Therefore, the money spent on BTN to have courses must reflect the 1Malaysia slogan by the PM. It should not only be to raise patriotism among the Malays. Malaysia is for all races so I disagree with any syllabus which only concentrates on patriotism just on one community, I disagree. If they have a problem with that, I want to know what is their problem,” he said.
Nazri questioned if Utusan Malaysia, which has been at the forefront of defending BTN courses, believes that Malaysia belongs only to the Malay community.
“Do they want to say that Malaysia belongs only to the Malays and the government is only a Malay government? Should only the Malays be given the spirit of patriotism? Other races are not patriotic about their country? So I want them to point out to me where is it that I’ve gone wrong If I disagree with the past syllabus,” he added.
Nazri also denied the claim made by Utusan that it was only him who wanted BTN to be revamped and not the Cabinet.
“The moment PM took over, when he introduced the 1 Malaysia slogan. It was soon after that because courses run by BTN using public funds must be used properly and it amounts to millions so if you want to talk about patriotism, patriotism for all, not just the Malays, for all Malaysians. It’s not because of the Selangor state government that we changed the syllabus so it’s long before that,” he said.
Nazri also questioned Utusan for deceiving Malaysians on BTN.
“You tell me, can I lie? I can’t. They must use their head lah. If they want to deny and all that. If the other side they do not know, it’s different but all these people were involved with BTN before. They were facilitators and directors so they know what’s going on.
“Come on lah, please, this is not 1961 or the 1970s. Information is freely available. I want them to get out of the denial syndrome, admit it and that’s in line with the PM’s slogan so why shouldn’t we change?” he asked.
The PR-led Selangor government recently imposed a ban on its civil servants and students within its state-run educational institutions from attending BTN courses, while Penang — another PR- governed state — is said to be considering similar action.
But the hawks in Umno, through Malay-based dailies like Berita Harian and Utusan Malaysia, have moved to defend BTN and attacked its critics as “traitors” who are trying to politicise the issue.
Utusan yesterday urged the government not to “bow down” to the opposition on BTN and said that it was Nazri who wanted the programme to be revamped even though the move was decided by the Cabinet. - Malaysian Insider