Walaupun sudah lebih 50 tahun mentadbir negara, UMNO/Barisan Nasional
(BN) hingga ke hari ini masih belum mampu memperkasakan wanita, malah
mengabaikan peranan mereka dalam pelbagai sektor.
Ahli Parlimen DAP Kulai, Teo Nie Ching berkata, kewujudan Kementerian
Wanita bermula pada 2001 juga tidak memberi sebarang manfaat kepada
dasar dan hala tuju untuk mencapai kesaksamaan gender.
Menurut beliau, ini terbukti berdasarkan kedudukan Malaysia yang masih berada
di tempat ketiga terbawah di kalangan negara berpendapatan sederhana di Asia dan rantau pasifik.
“Kementerian Wanita ditubuhkan secara rasminya pada Januari 2001
dengan Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil bertindak sebagai Menteri
pertama. Selepas Shahrizat meletakkan jawatan pada April tahun lalu,
Najib pula mengambul alih peranan Menteri Pembangunan Wanita.
“Najib dan Shahrizat sepatutnya malu dengan ketidakcekapan mereka
dalam merapatkan jurang gender serta memperkasakan wanita. Negara yang
berdaya saing adalah negara yang mengiktiraf pembangunan rakyat tanpa
mengira gender.
“BN ternyata gagal memahami bahawa kesaksamaan gender dalam
pembangunan negara kerana mengetepikan wanita dalam bidang kemahiran dan
tenaga kerja. Jadi bagaimana wanita di seluruh negara boleh
mengharapkan esok yang lebih baik jika BN terus memerintah?,” tegas
beliau yang juga Penolong Setiausaha Publisiti Kebangsaan DAP pada
sidang media di Lobi Parlimen, hari ini.
Berdasarkan laporan Global Gender Gap Index tahun lalu, Malaysia
menduduki tempat ke 100 daripada 136 negara dengan memperoleh skor
sebanyak 0,6539.
Bagaimanapun, dalam laporan terbaru 2013 yang diterbitkan World
Economic Forum, Malaysia menunjukkan perubahan skor negatif iaitu -0021
dan menurun ke tangga 102.
Global Gender Gap pertama kali diterbitkan pada 2006 bertujuan
mewujudkan indeks pariti gender menyeluruh yang dapat mengesan jurang
dari masa ke semasa dengan menyediakan maklumat mengenai kemajuan negara
berdasarkan penyertaan wanita.
“Dari 2006 dan 2013, 95 negara menunjukkan kemajuan positif dalam
tempoh lapan tahun, tapi Malaysia merupakan antara negara yang
merekodkan kemajuan paling perlahan sedangkan sebahagian besar negara
jiran seperti Singapura, Filipina, Kemboja, Thailand dan Indonesia jauh
mengatasi kita,” ujarnya. –Roketkini.com
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Pua: Sugar hike due to sweet new deal, not subsidy cut
Putrajaya’s sugar subsidy cut was a move aimed at concealing
a deal it signed to import sugar at a price way above market rate in 2012, DAP
leader Tony Pua said today.
The Petaling Jaya Utara MP accused the government of lying
about its justification behind the subsidy slash, claiming consumers could
still buy sugar at a much lower price without the cuts if the deal was not
The subsidy cut has raised sugar price by 34 sen a
kilogramme. Presently the price stands at RM2.85 a kilogramme.
“The Barisan Nasional (BN) government had come up with all
types of excuses to remove the balance of sugar subsidy of 34 sen, or RM521
million annually.
“But the reality is the rakyat have to ‘enjoy’ sugar at a
pricier rate is because the government had signed a deal to import sugar at an
exorbitant price,” Pua said in a statement.
He noted that the current world sugar price is US$18.91
(RM59.30) per pound but in 2012, Putrajaya revealed that it had inked a
three-year deal to import sugar at US$26 per pound.
“Not only do the government not have to bear any subsidy,
but sugar price would become much cheaper (if the deal was not inked),” Pua
At the current rate of global sugar price, taxpayers will
have to pay an extra RM194 million a year due to the deal.
The DAP national publicity chief had in the past criticised
the deal following its revelation in Parliament then, saying it would add to
the government’s growing subsidy burden while maintaining the “duopoly” of
Malaysia’s only two sugar producers, the purportedly well-connected Malaysian
Sugar Manufacturing Bhd and Tradewinds Bhd.
Yesterday Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said
sugar companies, including that of tycoon Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, who
is seen to have close ties with the ruling BN, are expected to rake in a profit
of RM1 billion from Putrajaya’s move to cut sugar subsidy.
The opposition leader claimed the move, introduced by the
Najib administration to trim down spending and tackle its fast-growing deficit,
would strengthen the monopoly of the country’s two main players in the sugar industry by shooting
their profit up by 100 per cent from before the cuts.
The gross profit of the sugar industry is RM4 billion
annually. Normally, the profit before tax of these companies is around 9 per
cent. After the entry of Tan Sri Mokhtar into the sector, the profit before tax
jumped to 15 per cent.
“With the removal of subsidy, the profit before tax of the
companies is expected to skyrocket between 20 to 25 per cent with the estimated
returns of RM1 billion,” Anwar said in his speech on the 2014 Budget debate.
Pua said the Najib administration must bear the
responsibility for a negligent decision that will hurt the average Malaysian.
“The government can no longer give all these lame excuses to
justify the price hike… due to the deal, the people have to bear losses in the
millions of ringgit. It must admit its mistake,” he said. - www.themalaymailonline.com
sugar subsidy cut was a move aimed at concealing a deal it signed to
import sugar at a price way above market rate in 2012, DAP leader Tony
Pua said today.
The Petaling Jaya Utara MP accused the government of lying about its justification behind the subsidy slash, claiming consumers could still buy sugar at a much lower price without the cuts if the deal was not inked.
The subsidy cut has raised sugar price by 34 sen a kilogramme. Presently the price stands at RM2.85 a kilogramme.
“The Barisan Nasional (BN) government had come up with all types of
excuses to remove the balance of sugar subsidy of 34 sen, or RM521
million annually.
“But the reality is the rakyat have to ‘enjoy’ sugar at a pricier rate is because the government had signed a deal to import sugar at an exorbitant price,” Pua said in a statement.
He noted that the current world sugar price is US$18.91 (RM59.30) per pound but in 2012, Putrajaya revealed that it had inked a three-year deal to import sugar at US$26 per pound.
“Not only do the government not have to bear any subsidy, but sugar price would become much cheaper (if the deal was not inked),” Pua claimed.
At the current rate of global sugar price, taxpayers will have to pay an extra RM194 million a year due to the deal.
The DAP national publicity chief had in the past criticised the deal following its revelation in Parliament then, saying it would add to the government’s growing subsidy burden while maintaining the “duopoly” of Malaysia’s only two sugar producers, the purportedly well-connected Malaysian Sugar Manufacturing Bhd and Tradewinds Bhd.
Yesterday Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said sugar companies, including that of tycoon Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, who is seen to have close ties with the ruling BN, are expected to rake in a profit of RM1 billion from Putrajaya’s move to cut sugar subsidy.
The opposition leader claimed the move, introduced by the Najib administration to trim down spending and tackle its fast-growing deficit, would strengthen the monopoly of the country’s two main players in the sugar industry by shooting their profit up by 100 per cent from before the cuts.
The gross profit of the sugar industry is RM4 billion annually. Normally, the profit before tax of these companies is around 9 per cent. After the entry of Tan Sri Mokhtar into the sector, the profit before tax jumped to 15 per cent.
“With the removal of subsidy, the profit before tax of the companies is expected to skyrocket between 20 to 25 per cent with the estimated returns of RM1 billion,” Anwar said in his speech on the 2014 Budget debate.
Pua said the Najib administration must bear the responsibility for a negligent decision that will hurt the average Malaysian.
“The government can no longer give all these lame excuses to justify the price hike… due to the deal, the people have to bear losses in the millions of ringgit. It must admit its mistake,” he said.
- See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/pua-sugar-hike-due-to-sweet-new-deal-not-subsidy-cut#sthash.9nTir46M.dpuf
The Petaling Jaya Utara MP accused the government of lying about its justification behind the subsidy slash, claiming consumers could still buy sugar at a much lower price without the cuts if the deal was not inked.
The subsidy cut has raised sugar price by 34 sen a kilogramme. Presently the price stands at RM2.85 a kilogramme.
“But the reality is the rakyat have to ‘enjoy’ sugar at a pricier rate is because the government had signed a deal to import sugar at an exorbitant price,” Pua said in a statement.
He noted that the current world sugar price is US$18.91 (RM59.30) per pound but in 2012, Putrajaya revealed that it had inked a three-year deal to import sugar at US$26 per pound.
“Not only do the government not have to bear any subsidy, but sugar price would become much cheaper (if the deal was not inked),” Pua claimed.
At the current rate of global sugar price, taxpayers will have to pay an extra RM194 million a year due to the deal.
The DAP national publicity chief had in the past criticised the deal following its revelation in Parliament then, saying it would add to the government’s growing subsidy burden while maintaining the “duopoly” of Malaysia’s only two sugar producers, the purportedly well-connected Malaysian Sugar Manufacturing Bhd and Tradewinds Bhd.
Yesterday Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said sugar companies, including that of tycoon Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukhary, who is seen to have close ties with the ruling BN, are expected to rake in a profit of RM1 billion from Putrajaya’s move to cut sugar subsidy.
The opposition leader claimed the move, introduced by the Najib administration to trim down spending and tackle its fast-growing deficit, would strengthen the monopoly of the country’s two main players in the sugar industry by shooting their profit up by 100 per cent from before the cuts.
The gross profit of the sugar industry is RM4 billion annually. Normally, the profit before tax of these companies is around 9 per cent. After the entry of Tan Sri Mokhtar into the sector, the profit before tax jumped to 15 per cent.
“With the removal of subsidy, the profit before tax of the companies is expected to skyrocket between 20 to 25 per cent with the estimated returns of RM1 billion,” Anwar said in his speech on the 2014 Budget debate.
Pua said the Najib administration must bear the responsibility for a negligent decision that will hurt the average Malaysian.
“The government can no longer give all these lame excuses to justify the price hike… due to the deal, the people have to bear losses in the millions of ringgit. It must admit its mistake,” he said.
- See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/pua-sugar-hike-due-to-sweet-new-deal-not-subsidy-cut#sthash.9nTir46M.dpuf
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Pua: GST to hit poor severely with more taxes
Putrajaya’s proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST) will place a greater financial burden on poor Malaysians who are already struggling to make a living, DAP’s Tony Pua said today.
Although Pua noted the government’s intention to use the new tax to trim its budget deficit, he said Putrajaya could have slashed its debts by managing its funds better and tackling “wastage, patronage, extravagance and corruption” in its spending.
Pua also attacked minister Datuk Seri Idris Jala’s reasoning yesterday that the GST was needed to broaden the country’s tax base to enable a slash in income tax, saying that the consumption-based tax would place a greater strain on those who do not qualify to pay income tax.
“Of all the rationale provided by those in support of the immediate implementation of the GST, this must be the most unacceptable one because it means that the government will be effectively reducing the tax on the workers who earn enough to pay tax today, while, correspondingly, increasing the taxes paid by those who don’t earn enough to pay taxes,” Pua said in a statement today.
The Petaling Jaya Utara MP insisted that the introduction of GST in tandem with a slash in income tax would shift the country’s financial burden to Malaysians with lower income.
“Firstly, the poorer income groups be forced to bear the burden of the reduced income tax of the higher income groups. On top of that, they will be hit by a regressive tax regime which taxes the poor proportionately more than the rich,” Pua said.
In making his point about the GST’s regressive nature, Pua said that those who earn less will effectively be taxed a higher percentage of their income when they spend, in comparison to higher wage-earners who will pay a lower percentage of tax on their income despite the same GST rate.
“Hence the natural impact of the GST is proportionately higher on the poor than on the rich,” the DAP publicity secretary said, comparing it to the existing income tax system imposes a higher percentage of tax on those who earn more.
Yesterday, Jala noted that only less than two million people out of a 29-million strong population pay income tax, indicating it was not sustainable for the country to rely on this small group of taxpayers.
“In fact, if we don’t widen the tax base, there is absolutely no room to cut income taxes further. For various reasons, including the fact that much income goes unreported, we need to broaden the tax base,” the minister in the PM’s department wrote on his blog yesterday.
Pua also questioned Jala’s argument of the need for the country to widen its tax base, saying that the key issue was the inability of the bulk of Malaysians to earn enough to pay income tax.
“We must remember that it is not because these 85 per cent do not want to pay tax, but because they don’t earn enough to qualify to do so. It should be noted that the income tax brackets have not been modified for nearly 2 decades and the question is why are the overwhelming majority of Malaysian workers still earning suppressed wages at less than RM2,500 to RM3,000 per month?” he asked.
Despite agreeing with Jala that there are Malaysians who evade tax, Pua argued that those who do so by failing to declare their true income are a “tiny group” in comparison to the “85 per cent who don’t qualify to pay taxes”.
“Why should the failure of the authorities to enforce tax on these evaders justify the government’s decision to tax all these Malaysians who are struggling to make ends meet with income less than RM2500?” he asked.
In the same statement, Pua poured cold water on Putrajaya’s argument that the GST was vital to slash its debts, pointing out that Malaysia had experienced strong economic growth and should have enough money without having to resort to imposing more taxes.
“Due to the fact that we are fortunately blessed with oil and gas revenues, as well as an enviable economic growth record over the past decades, the government actually have enough funds in its coffers. What it has however failed to do, is to ensure that these funds are properly utlised and invested.
“Hence until this government learns and proves to the people that it knows how to manage the rakyat’s hard-earned monies in an honest, professional and efficient manner, it will have no right to raise more taxes from the people, especially from the middle-income and the poor,” Pua said.
Putrajaya is seeking to introduce the GST, possibly in the upcoming Budget 2014 that will be tabled on Friday, in a bid to broaden the tax base and to narrow the fiscal deficit.
The federal government has stated that it aims to reduce the fiscal deficit from 4.5 per cent of the gross domestic product last year to 4 per cent this year, and gradually to 3 per cent by 2015.
Amid fears that the poor would be hit the hardest by the GST, Jala yesterday said that essential goods like food, public transport and education will likely be exempted from the tax.
Jala also said that the GST would automatically tax those who are richer the most as they will consume and spend more, instead of the lower-income group.
He also pointed out that the GST will replace the current sales and service tax of between six to 10 per cent.
Jala stressed that the GST would be implemented only in 2015 if it were to be announced in Budget 2014, as 12 to 18 months is needed for preparation.
Due to public pressure, the implementation of the GST has been postponed several times since the tax was first announced during Budget 2005 - www.themalaymailonline.com
Although Pua noted the government’s intention to use the new tax to trim its budget deficit, he said Putrajaya could have slashed its debts by managing its funds better and tackling “wastage, patronage, extravagance and corruption” in its spending.
Pua also attacked minister Datuk Seri Idris Jala’s reasoning yesterday that the GST was needed to broaden the country’s tax base to enable a slash in income tax, saying that the consumption-based tax would place a greater strain on those who do not qualify to pay income tax.
“Of all the rationale provided by those in support of the immediate implementation of the GST, this must be the most unacceptable one because it means that the government will be effectively reducing the tax on the workers who earn enough to pay tax today, while, correspondingly, increasing the taxes paid by those who don’t earn enough to pay taxes,” Pua said in a statement today.
The Petaling Jaya Utara MP insisted that the introduction of GST in tandem with a slash in income tax would shift the country’s financial burden to Malaysians with lower income.
“Firstly, the poorer income groups be forced to bear the burden of the reduced income tax of the higher income groups. On top of that, they will be hit by a regressive tax regime which taxes the poor proportionately more than the rich,” Pua said.
In making his point about the GST’s regressive nature, Pua said that those who earn less will effectively be taxed a higher percentage of their income when they spend, in comparison to higher wage-earners who will pay a lower percentage of tax on their income despite the same GST rate.
“Hence the natural impact of the GST is proportionately higher on the poor than on the rich,” the DAP publicity secretary said, comparing it to the existing income tax system imposes a higher percentage of tax on those who earn more.
Yesterday, Jala noted that only less than two million people out of a 29-million strong population pay income tax, indicating it was not sustainable for the country to rely on this small group of taxpayers.
“In fact, if we don’t widen the tax base, there is absolutely no room to cut income taxes further. For various reasons, including the fact that much income goes unreported, we need to broaden the tax base,” the minister in the PM’s department wrote on his blog yesterday.
Pua also questioned Jala’s argument of the need for the country to widen its tax base, saying that the key issue was the inability of the bulk of Malaysians to earn enough to pay income tax.
“We must remember that it is not because these 85 per cent do not want to pay tax, but because they don’t earn enough to qualify to do so. It should be noted that the income tax brackets have not been modified for nearly 2 decades and the question is why are the overwhelming majority of Malaysian workers still earning suppressed wages at less than RM2,500 to RM3,000 per month?” he asked.
Despite agreeing with Jala that there are Malaysians who evade tax, Pua argued that those who do so by failing to declare their true income are a “tiny group” in comparison to the “85 per cent who don’t qualify to pay taxes”.
“Why should the failure of the authorities to enforce tax on these evaders justify the government’s decision to tax all these Malaysians who are struggling to make ends meet with income less than RM2500?” he asked.
In the same statement, Pua poured cold water on Putrajaya’s argument that the GST was vital to slash its debts, pointing out that Malaysia had experienced strong economic growth and should have enough money without having to resort to imposing more taxes.
“Due to the fact that we are fortunately blessed with oil and gas revenues, as well as an enviable economic growth record over the past decades, the government actually have enough funds in its coffers. What it has however failed to do, is to ensure that these funds are properly utlised and invested.
“Hence until this government learns and proves to the people that it knows how to manage the rakyat’s hard-earned monies in an honest, professional and efficient manner, it will have no right to raise more taxes from the people, especially from the middle-income and the poor,” Pua said.
Putrajaya is seeking to introduce the GST, possibly in the upcoming Budget 2014 that will be tabled on Friday, in a bid to broaden the tax base and to narrow the fiscal deficit.
The federal government has stated that it aims to reduce the fiscal deficit from 4.5 per cent of the gross domestic product last year to 4 per cent this year, and gradually to 3 per cent by 2015.
Amid fears that the poor would be hit the hardest by the GST, Jala yesterday said that essential goods like food, public transport and education will likely be exempted from the tax.
Jala also said that the GST would automatically tax those who are richer the most as they will consume and spend more, instead of the lower-income group.
He also pointed out that the GST will replace the current sales and service tax of between six to 10 per cent.
Jala stressed that the GST would be implemented only in 2015 if it were to be announced in Budget 2014, as 12 to 18 months is needed for preparation.
Due to public pressure, the implementation of the GST has been postponed several times since the tax was first announced during Budget 2005 - www.themalaymailonline.com
Putrajaya’s proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST) will place a greater financial burden on poor Malaysians who are already struggling to make a living, DAP’s Tony Pua said today.
Although Pua noted the government’s intention to use the new tax to trim its budget deficit, he said Putrajaya could have slashed its debts by managing its funds better and tackling “wastage, patronage, extravagance and corruption” in its spending.
Pua also attacked minister Datuk Seri Idris Jala’s reasoning yesterday that the GST was needed to broaden the country’s tax base to enable a slash in income tax, saying that the consumption-based tax would place a greater strain on those who do not qualify to pay income tax.
“Of all the rationale provided by those in support of the immediate implementation of the GST, this must be the most unacceptable one because it means that the government will be effectively reducing the tax on the workers who earn enough to pay tax today, while, correspondingly, increasing the taxes paid by those who don’t earn enough to pay taxes,” Pua said in a statement today.
The Petaling Jaya Utara MP insisted that the introduction of GST in tandem with a slash in income tax would shift the country’s financial burden to Malaysians with lower income.
“Firstly, the poorer income groups be forced to bear the burden of the reduced income tax of the higher income groups. On top of that, they will be hit by a regressive tax regime which taxes the poor proportionately more than the rich,” Pua said.
In making his point about the GST’s regressive nature, Pua said that those who earn less will effectively be taxed a higher percentage of their income when they spend, in comparison to higher wage-earners who will pay a lower percentage of tax on their income despite the same GST rate.
“Hence the natural impact of the GST is proportionately higher on the poor than on the rich,” the DAP publicity secretary said, comparing it to the existing income tax system imposes a higher percentage of tax on those who earn more.
Yesterday, Jala noted that only less than two million people out of a 29-million strong population pay income tax, indicating it was not sustainable for the country to rely on this small group of taxpayers.
“In fact, if we don’t widen the tax base, there is absolutely no room to cut income taxes further. For various reasons, including the fact that much income goes unreported, we need to broaden the tax base,” the minister in the PM’s department wrote on his blog yesterday.
Pua also questioned Jala’s argument of the need for the country to widen its tax base, saying that the key issue was the inability of the bulk of Malaysians to earn enough to pay income tax.
“We must remember that it is not because these 85 per cent do not want to pay tax, but because they don’t earn enough to qualify to do so. It should be noted that the income tax brackets have not been modified for nearly 2 decades and the question is why are the overwhelming majority of Malaysian workers still earning suppressed wages at less than RM2,500 to RM3,000 per month?” he asked.
Despite agreeing with Jala that there are Malaysians who evade tax, Pua argued that those who do so by failing to declare their true income are a “tiny group” in comparison to the “85 per cent who don’t qualify to pay taxes”.
“Why should the failure of the authorities to enforce tax on these evaders justify the government’s decision to tax all these Malaysians who are struggling to make ends meet with income less than RM2500?” he asked.
In the same statement, Pua poured cold water on Putrajaya’s argument that the GST was vital to slash its debts, pointing out that Malaysia had experienced strong economic growth and should have enough money without having to resort to imposing more taxes.
“Due to the fact that we are fortunately blessed with oil and gas revenues, as well as an enviable economic growth record over the past decades, the government actually have enough funds in its coffers. What it has however failed to do, is to ensure that these funds are properly utlised and invested.
“Hence until this government learns and proves to the people that it knows how to manage the rakyat’s hard-earned monies in an honest, professional and efficient manner, it will have no right to raise more taxes from the people, especially from the middle-income and the poor,” Pua said.
Putrajaya is seeking to introduce the GST, possibly in the upcoming Budget 2014 that will be tabled on Friday, in a bid to broaden the tax base and to narrow the fiscal deficit.
The federal government has stated that it aims to reduce the fiscal deficit from 4.5 per cent of the gross domestic product last year to 4 per cent this year, and gradually to 3 per cent by 2015.
Amid fears that the poor would be hit the hardest by the GST, Jala yesterday said that essential goods like food, public transport and education will likely be exempted from the tax.
Jala also said that the GST would automatically tax those who are richer the most as they will consume and spend more, instead of the lower-income group.
He also pointed out that the GST will replace the current sales and service tax of between six to 10 per cent.
Jala stressed that the GST would be implemented only in 2015 if it were to be announced in Budget 2014, as 12 to 18 months is needed for preparation.
Due to public pressure, the implementation of the GST has been postponed several times since the tax was first announced during Budget 2005.
- See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/pua-gst-to-hit-poor-severely-with-more-taxes#sthash.5SBkeur3.dpuf
Although Pua noted the government’s intention to use the new tax to trim its budget deficit, he said Putrajaya could have slashed its debts by managing its funds better and tackling “wastage, patronage, extravagance and corruption” in its spending.
Pua also attacked minister Datuk Seri Idris Jala’s reasoning yesterday that the GST was needed to broaden the country’s tax base to enable a slash in income tax, saying that the consumption-based tax would place a greater strain on those who do not qualify to pay income tax.
The Petaling Jaya Utara MP insisted that the introduction of GST in tandem with a slash in income tax would shift the country’s financial burden to Malaysians with lower income.
“Firstly, the poorer income groups be forced to bear the burden of the reduced income tax of the higher income groups. On top of that, they will be hit by a regressive tax regime which taxes the poor proportionately more than the rich,” Pua said.
In making his point about the GST’s regressive nature, Pua said that those who earn less will effectively be taxed a higher percentage of their income when they spend, in comparison to higher wage-earners who will pay a lower percentage of tax on their income despite the same GST rate.
“Hence the natural impact of the GST is proportionately higher on the poor than on the rich,” the DAP publicity secretary said, comparing it to the existing income tax system imposes a higher percentage of tax on those who earn more.
Yesterday, Jala noted that only less than two million people out of a 29-million strong population pay income tax, indicating it was not sustainable for the country to rely on this small group of taxpayers.
“In fact, if we don’t widen the tax base, there is absolutely no room to cut income taxes further. For various reasons, including the fact that much income goes unreported, we need to broaden the tax base,” the minister in the PM’s department wrote on his blog yesterday.
Pua also questioned Jala’s argument of the need for the country to widen its tax base, saying that the key issue was the inability of the bulk of Malaysians to earn enough to pay income tax.
“We must remember that it is not because these 85 per cent do not want to pay tax, but because they don’t earn enough to qualify to do so. It should be noted that the income tax brackets have not been modified for nearly 2 decades and the question is why are the overwhelming majority of Malaysian workers still earning suppressed wages at less than RM2,500 to RM3,000 per month?” he asked.
Despite agreeing with Jala that there are Malaysians who evade tax, Pua argued that those who do so by failing to declare their true income are a “tiny group” in comparison to the “85 per cent who don’t qualify to pay taxes”.
“Why should the failure of the authorities to enforce tax on these evaders justify the government’s decision to tax all these Malaysians who are struggling to make ends meet with income less than RM2500?” he asked.
In the same statement, Pua poured cold water on Putrajaya’s argument that the GST was vital to slash its debts, pointing out that Malaysia had experienced strong economic growth and should have enough money without having to resort to imposing more taxes.
“Due to the fact that we are fortunately blessed with oil and gas revenues, as well as an enviable economic growth record over the past decades, the government actually have enough funds in its coffers. What it has however failed to do, is to ensure that these funds are properly utlised and invested.
“Hence until this government learns and proves to the people that it knows how to manage the rakyat’s hard-earned monies in an honest, professional and efficient manner, it will have no right to raise more taxes from the people, especially from the middle-income and the poor,” Pua said.
Putrajaya is seeking to introduce the GST, possibly in the upcoming Budget 2014 that will be tabled on Friday, in a bid to broaden the tax base and to narrow the fiscal deficit.
The federal government has stated that it aims to reduce the fiscal deficit from 4.5 per cent of the gross domestic product last year to 4 per cent this year, and gradually to 3 per cent by 2015.
Amid fears that the poor would be hit the hardest by the GST, Jala yesterday said that essential goods like food, public transport and education will likely be exempted from the tax.
Jala also said that the GST would automatically tax those who are richer the most as they will consume and spend more, instead of the lower-income group.
He also pointed out that the GST will replace the current sales and service tax of between six to 10 per cent.
Jala stressed that the GST would be implemented only in 2015 if it were to be announced in Budget 2014, as 12 to 18 months is needed for preparation.
Due to public pressure, the implementation of the GST has been postponed several times since the tax was first announced during Budget 2005.
- See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/pua-gst-to-hit-poor-severely-with-more-taxes#sthash.5SBkeur3.dpuf
Monday, October 21, 2013
Mengapa Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) membayar RM270 juta kepada jururunding latihan bahasa Inggeris?
Baru-baru ini, kita telah didedahkan bahawa Kementerian Pendidikan
Malaysia (KPM) membayar RM20 juta kepada McKinsey & Co untuk
perkhidmatan perundingan dalam merangka Pelan Induk Pembangunan
Pendidikan 2013-2025.
Walau bagaimanapun, rupa-rupanya bayaran bagi khidmat nasihat perundingan yang berjumlah RM20 juta kepada McKinsey hanya sebahagian kecil daripada keseluruhan kisah sebenar. Menurut jawapan Parlimen yang saya terima daripada Menteri Pendidikan, Kementerian telah melantik tiga perunding luar iaitu British Council, Brighton Education Group dan SMR HR Group, dalam program tiga tahun yang bertujuan untuk “meningkatkan kapasiti” guru bahasa Inggeris di negara ini.
Ketiga-tiga firma perunding telah dianugerahkan kontrak mulai tahun 2011 hingga 2013 dengan kos keseluruhan berjumlah RM268.5 juta atau RM89.5 juta setahun. Sebagai sebahagian daripada perjanjian itu, firma terbabit akan menyediakan 360 orang mentor penutur jati bahasa Inggeris (120 mentor setiap firma) sepanjang tempoh tiga tahun.
Jawapan parlimen menyatakan selanjutnya bahawa sejumlah 7,500 guru dari 1,800 sekolah akan dilatih, dengan tanggungjawab dibahagikan mengikut geografi. British Council telah ditugaskan untuk menyediakan mentor untuk melatih guru-guru di Labuan, Sabah dan Sarawak, manakala Brighton Education Group akan melatih guru-guru di Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Melaka, Johor dan Negeri Sembilan. Sementara itu, SMR HR Group akan melatih guru-guru di Pulau Pinang, Perlis, Perak, Kedah dan Selangor.
Dalam erti kata lain, hampir RM270 juta dibelanjakan untuk mengupah 360 mentor Inggeris ini. Kos ini memecahkan kepada RM250,000 setahun bagi setiap mentor, atau berjumlah hampir RM21,000 sebulan.
Tidak kira apa penjelasan yang diberikan oleh KPM, tidak ada alasan munasabah yang boleh mewajarkan jumlah yang tidak masuk akal untuk dibelanjakan bagi menyediakan apa yang sebenarnya merupakan cuti bergaji selama tiga tahun bagi 360 orang mentor penutur jati bahasa Inggeris.
Selain itu, berdasarkan laporan dan maklum balas yang diterima daripada guru-guru yang menjalani program ini, “sesi bersama mentor” hanyalah antara tiga hingga empat jam sebulan. Ini serta-merta menimbulkan persoalan tentang keberkesanan program mentor ini. Bagaimanakah seseorang itu diharapkan menguasai sesuatu bahasa dengan hanya tiga hingga empat jam latihan sebulan?
Tambahan pula, jumlah perbelanjaan sebanyak RM270 juta untuk melatih 7,500 guru adalah bersamaan
dengan RM36,000 bagi setiap guru dalam
tempoh tiga tahun. Jumlah ini adalah lebih daripada kos untuk mendaftar
guru yang sama ke program ijazah dalam bahasa Inggeris dengan struktur
pembelajaran yang tersusun di sebuah universiti tempatan. Sebagai
contoh, Universiti Terbuka Wawasan menawarkan Ijazah Sarjana Muda
Sastera (Kepujian) dalam Pengajian Bahasa Inggeris dengan kos kira-kira
RM24,000, iaitu dua pertiga kos program mentor yang disediakan oleh
firma perundingan ini. Sementara itu, kos kursus diploma selama enam
bulan dalam TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) hanya RM4,500 di kolej swasta tempatan.
Meskipun matlamat untuk meningkatkan kualiti guru-guru bahasa Inggeris adalah terpuji dan perlu diteruskan, namun ini sama sekali tidak membenarkan tindakan KPM yang sewenang-wenangnya melantik jururunding yang tidak sepadan dengan harganya, terutama apabila pilihan yang lebih murah dan lebih baik telah sedia ada.
Walau bagaimanapun, rupa-rupanya bayaran bagi khidmat nasihat perundingan yang berjumlah RM20 juta kepada McKinsey hanya sebahagian kecil daripada keseluruhan kisah sebenar. Menurut jawapan Parlimen yang saya terima daripada Menteri Pendidikan, Kementerian telah melantik tiga perunding luar iaitu British Council, Brighton Education Group dan SMR HR Group, dalam program tiga tahun yang bertujuan untuk “meningkatkan kapasiti” guru bahasa Inggeris di negara ini.
Ketiga-tiga firma perunding telah dianugerahkan kontrak mulai tahun 2011 hingga 2013 dengan kos keseluruhan berjumlah RM268.5 juta atau RM89.5 juta setahun. Sebagai sebahagian daripada perjanjian itu, firma terbabit akan menyediakan 360 orang mentor penutur jati bahasa Inggeris (120 mentor setiap firma) sepanjang tempoh tiga tahun.
Jawapan parlimen menyatakan selanjutnya bahawa sejumlah 7,500 guru dari 1,800 sekolah akan dilatih, dengan tanggungjawab dibahagikan mengikut geografi. British Council telah ditugaskan untuk menyediakan mentor untuk melatih guru-guru di Labuan, Sabah dan Sarawak, manakala Brighton Education Group akan melatih guru-guru di Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Melaka, Johor dan Negeri Sembilan. Sementara itu, SMR HR Group akan melatih guru-guru di Pulau Pinang, Perlis, Perak, Kedah dan Selangor.
Dalam erti kata lain, hampir RM270 juta dibelanjakan untuk mengupah 360 mentor Inggeris ini. Kos ini memecahkan kepada RM250,000 setahun bagi setiap mentor, atau berjumlah hampir RM21,000 sebulan.
Tidak kira apa penjelasan yang diberikan oleh KPM, tidak ada alasan munasabah yang boleh mewajarkan jumlah yang tidak masuk akal untuk dibelanjakan bagi menyediakan apa yang sebenarnya merupakan cuti bergaji selama tiga tahun bagi 360 orang mentor penutur jati bahasa Inggeris.
Selain itu, berdasarkan laporan dan maklum balas yang diterima daripada guru-guru yang menjalani program ini, “sesi bersama mentor” hanyalah antara tiga hingga empat jam sebulan. Ini serta-merta menimbulkan persoalan tentang keberkesanan program mentor ini. Bagaimanakah seseorang itu diharapkan menguasai sesuatu bahasa dengan hanya tiga hingga empat jam latihan sebulan?
Tambahan pula, jumlah perbelanjaan sebanyak RM270 juta untuk melatih 7,500 guru adalah bersamaan
Meskipun matlamat untuk meningkatkan kualiti guru-guru bahasa Inggeris adalah terpuji dan perlu diteruskan, namun ini sama sekali tidak membenarkan tindakan KPM yang sewenang-wenangnya melantik jururunding yang tidak sepadan dengan harganya, terutama apabila pilihan yang lebih murah dan lebih baik telah sedia ada.
Zairil Khir Johari
Penolong Setiausaha Publisiti Kebangsaan DAP & Ahli Parlimen Bukit Bendera
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Mahathir salah
Bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Mahathir salah dalam menyebut bahawa
bukan-Muslim yang bertegas tentang penggunaan kalimah “Allah” di
Semenanjung Malaysia cuba menggugat keadaan sedia ada dan berbuat
demikian “untuk menimbulkan ketegangan antara agama” memandangkan
bukan-Muslim di Semenanjung secara tradisinya tidak menggunakan
perkataan tersebut.
Tiga generasi rakyat Malaysia tika kira kaum atau agama menyanyikan lagi rasmi tujuh buah negeri, iaitu Johor, Selangor, Perak, Kedah, Pahang, Kelantan, dan Terengganu, yang menyeru nama Allah untuk mendoakan rahmat dan perlindungan bagi Sultan dan rakyat. Apakah mereka ini telah berbuat silap?
Nama Allah disebut empat kali dalam enam rangkap lagu negeri Perak:
Dilanjutkan Allah usianya Sultan
Adil dan murah memerintah watan
Ditaati rakyat kiri dan kanan
Iman yang soleh Allah kurniakan
Allah berkati Perak Darul Ridzuan
Allah selamatkan Negeri dan Sultan
Nama Allah juga disebut tiga kali dalam lagu negeri Terengganu:
Allah daulatkan Tuanku Sultan,
Terengganu Darul Iman,
Allah peliharakan Tuanku Sultan,
Sejahtera sepanjang zaman,
Allah rahmatkan Tuanku Sultan,
Memerintah rakyat aman.
Lagu negeri Johor bermula dengan “Allah peliharakan Sultan” dan diakhiri dengan:
Allah berkati Johor
Allah selamatkan Sultan
Lagu negeri Pahang bermula dengan
Ya Allah Yang Masa Kuasa,
Lanjutkan Usia Duli Yang Maha Mulia,
Dan diakhiri dengan
Ya Allah Selamatkan Duli Tuanku Raja Kami|
Dalam lagu negeri Selangor terdapat rangkap “Allah lanjutkan usia Tuanku”, dalam lagu negeri Kelantan “Segala kebesaran Allah cucurkan” dan dalam lagu negeri Kedah “Allah selamat Sultan Mahkota.”
Apakah tiga generasi rakyat Malaysia, khususnya bukan-Muslim di tujuh buah negeri Johor, Selangor, Perak, Kedah, Pahang, Kelantan, dan Terengganu, semuanya berbuat salah dan telah menyentuh sensitiviti Muslim yang sezaman dengan mereka dalam menyeru nama Allah untuk mendoakan rahmat dan perlindungan buat Sultan dan rakyat ketika menyanyikan lagu negeri mereka?
Apakah Muslim di ketujuh-tujuh buah negeri itu sepanjang 56 tahun ini merasa terhina kerana bukan-Muslim turut menyebut nama “Allah” sewaktu menyanyikan lagu rasmi negeri?
Jawapannya sudah tentu “Tidak.”
Kalau begitu, mengapa kontroversi kalimah “Allah” digembar-gemburkan sehingga dapat melebarkan lagi jurang perkauman dan keagamaan dalam negara dan mengubah dasar 1Malaysia Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak menjadi dasar 2Malaysia, khususnya dalam soal hak keperlembagaan rakyat Malaysia, mencemarkan reputasi Malaysia di peringkat dunia sebagai sebuah “model” negara majmuk yang majmuk dan mengamcam usaha untuk menarik masuk pelaburan asing berikutan persoalan yang timbul berkaitan keutuhan dan kebebasan badan kehakiman di Malaysia?
Terpulang kepada Najib untuk membuktikan bahawa beliau adalah Perdana Menteri untuk semua rakyat Malaysia dan bahawa dasar 1Malaysia beliau bukan sebenarnya adalah dasar 2Malaysia!
Tiga generasi rakyat Malaysia tika kira kaum atau agama menyanyikan lagi rasmi tujuh buah negeri, iaitu Johor, Selangor, Perak, Kedah, Pahang, Kelantan, dan Terengganu, yang menyeru nama Allah untuk mendoakan rahmat dan perlindungan bagi Sultan dan rakyat. Apakah mereka ini telah berbuat silap?
Nama Allah disebut empat kali dalam enam rangkap lagu negeri Perak:
Dilanjutkan Allah usianya Sultan
Adil dan murah memerintah watan
Ditaati rakyat kiri dan kanan
Iman yang soleh Allah kurniakan
Allah berkati Perak Darul Ridzuan
Allah selamatkan Negeri dan Sultan
Nama Allah juga disebut tiga kali dalam lagu negeri Terengganu:
Allah daulatkan Tuanku Sultan,
Terengganu Darul Iman,
Allah peliharakan Tuanku Sultan,
Sejahtera sepanjang zaman,
Allah rahmatkan Tuanku Sultan,
Memerintah rakyat aman.
Lagu negeri Johor bermula dengan “Allah peliharakan Sultan” dan diakhiri dengan:
Allah berkati Johor
Allah selamatkan Sultan
Lagu negeri Pahang bermula dengan
Ya Allah Yang Masa Kuasa,
Lanjutkan Usia Duli Yang Maha Mulia,
Dan diakhiri dengan
Ya Allah Selamatkan Duli Tuanku Raja Kami|
Dalam lagu negeri Selangor terdapat rangkap “Allah lanjutkan usia Tuanku”, dalam lagu negeri Kelantan “Segala kebesaran Allah cucurkan” dan dalam lagu negeri Kedah “Allah selamat Sultan Mahkota.”
Apakah tiga generasi rakyat Malaysia, khususnya bukan-Muslim di tujuh buah negeri Johor, Selangor, Perak, Kedah, Pahang, Kelantan, dan Terengganu, semuanya berbuat salah dan telah menyentuh sensitiviti Muslim yang sezaman dengan mereka dalam menyeru nama Allah untuk mendoakan rahmat dan perlindungan buat Sultan dan rakyat ketika menyanyikan lagu negeri mereka?
Apakah Muslim di ketujuh-tujuh buah negeri itu sepanjang 56 tahun ini merasa terhina kerana bukan-Muslim turut menyebut nama “Allah” sewaktu menyanyikan lagu rasmi negeri?
Jawapannya sudah tentu “Tidak.”
Kalau begitu, mengapa kontroversi kalimah “Allah” digembar-gemburkan sehingga dapat melebarkan lagi jurang perkauman dan keagamaan dalam negara dan mengubah dasar 1Malaysia Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak menjadi dasar 2Malaysia, khususnya dalam soal hak keperlembagaan rakyat Malaysia, mencemarkan reputasi Malaysia di peringkat dunia sebagai sebuah “model” negara majmuk yang majmuk dan mengamcam usaha untuk menarik masuk pelaburan asing berikutan persoalan yang timbul berkaitan keutuhan dan kebebasan badan kehakiman di Malaysia?
Terpulang kepada Najib untuk membuktikan bahawa beliau adalah Perdana Menteri untuk semua rakyat Malaysia dan bahawa dasar 1Malaysia beliau bukan sebenarnya adalah dasar 2Malaysia!
Lim Kit Siang
Ketua Parlimen DAP & Ahli Parlimen Kawasan Gelang Patah
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Laporan Ketua Audit Negara 2012 dan program Taman Kekal Pengeluaran Makanan
Selepas pelaksanaan sejak 2000, Laporan Ketua Audit Negara tahun 2012
(LKAN) mendapati secara keseluruhannya program Taman Kekal Pengeluaran
Makanan di negeri Johor adalah kurang memuaskan.
Kelemahan yang ditemui adalah seperti di bawah:
Seperti yang didapati oleh Audit, antara faktor yang menyebabkan kegagalan TKPM adalah sikap peserta yang kurang komited dan produktif. Saya ingin menggesa Jabatan Pertanian supaya memilih peserta-peserta yang memang berminat dalam pertanian untuk memastikan peruntukan dan kemudahan yang disediakan dapat digunakan sepenuhnya bagi mencapai objektif TKPM.
Selain daripada itu, jurang pendapatan bersih antara peserta TKPM adalah sangat besar. Ada yang hanya memperoleh RM229 sebulan, tetapi ada juga peserta yang memperoleh melebihi RM20,000 sebulan. TKPM juga harus menperjelaskan kenapa ada peserta yang mendapat tanah tanaman yang melebihi 14 hektar tetapi ada juga peserta yang hanya mendapat 0.5 hektar. Jabatan Pertanian mestilah menjelaskan samada program ini telah dilaksanakan dengan adil ataupun hanya segelintir kroni yang memperoleh manfaat daripada program ini.
Untuk mereka yang memperoleh pendapatan bersih melebihi RM20,000 sebulan, soalannya adalah samada mereka masih berlayak untuk menyertai program TKPM dan terus menikmati sewaan lot tanah dan kos penyelenggaraan yang begitu rendah.
Kelemahan yang ditemui adalah seperti di bawah:
- Jabatan Pertanian Negeri Johor menyasarkan pendapatan bersih sekurang-kurangnya RM3,000 sebulan bagi setiap peserta TKPM.
Tetapi setakat tahun 2012, analisis Audit mendapati hanya 34.5% peserta telah memperoleh purata pendapatan bersih antara RM3,288 hingga RM22,266 sebulan. Manakala baki 65.5% tidak mencapai pendapatan disasarkan kerana memperoleh antara RM229 hingga RM2,922 sebulan.
- Setiap peserta TKPM sepatutnya mengusahakan tanaman sayuran
keluasan minimum 2 hektar atau buah-buahan minimum 5 hektar. Akan
tetapi terdapat peserta yang mendapat tanah tanaman melebihi keluasan
minimum (contohnya, TKPM Ulu Tiram berkeluasan 43.7 hektar tetapi hanya
terdapat 3 peserta) dan terdapat peserta yang mendapat tanah tanaman
kurang daripada keluasan minimum (contohnya, 15 peserta berkebun di TKPM
Lepau yang hanya berkeluasan 15.5 hektar tanah tanaman dan 3 peserta
bertanam di TKPM Fertigasi Pagoh yang berkeluasan 1.5 hektar tanah
- Walaupun,peruntukan berjumlah RM4.38 juta telah diluluskan
oleh Kerajaan Persekutuan sejak tahun 2010 hingga 2012 untuk membiayai
kemudahan dan infrastruktur asas, lawatan Audit mendapati 21.6% lot
tanaman tidak diusahakan dan disenggarakan.
- Objektif utama program TKPM adalah untuk memastikan
bekalan makanan yang berkualiti dan selamat dimakan. Tetapi semakan
Audit mendapati sebanyak 35% sampel tanaman sayur-sayuran dan
buah-buahan telah melanggar peraturan penggunaan racun makhluk perosak.
Sehingga bulan Disember 2012, tiada peserta berjaya memperoleh
pensijilan Skim Amalan Ladang Baik Malaysia (SALM) kerana peserta belum
mencapai piawaian yang ditetapkan oleh Jabatan Pertanian Malaysia.
- Jabatan Pertanian mengambil masa sehingga 32 bulan untuk
menyingkir peserta-peserta yang tidak menunjukkan minat untuk
mengusahakan projek manakala urusan pengambilan peserta baru bagi
menggantikan peserta yang digugurkan atau menarik diri dari menyertai
program TKPM juga lewat dilaksanakan. Keadaan ini telah mengakibatkan
lot tanaman telah dibiarkan tanpa peserta antara 4 hingga melebihi 24
- Kos penyelenggaraan yang ditetapkan adalah RM120 sehektar
setahun. Sewa tahunan sebanyak RM500 sehektar setahun dikenakan mulai
tahun ketiga. Semakan Audit terhadap kutipan sewa mendapati prestasi
kutipan kos penyelenggaran dan sewa adalah rendah iaitu antara 4.3%
hingga 37.7%.
Seperti yang didapati oleh Audit, antara faktor yang menyebabkan kegagalan TKPM adalah sikap peserta yang kurang komited dan produktif. Saya ingin menggesa Jabatan Pertanian supaya memilih peserta-peserta yang memang berminat dalam pertanian untuk memastikan peruntukan dan kemudahan yang disediakan dapat digunakan sepenuhnya bagi mencapai objektif TKPM.
Selain daripada itu, jurang pendapatan bersih antara peserta TKPM adalah sangat besar. Ada yang hanya memperoleh RM229 sebulan, tetapi ada juga peserta yang memperoleh melebihi RM20,000 sebulan. TKPM juga harus menperjelaskan kenapa ada peserta yang mendapat tanah tanaman yang melebihi 14 hektar tetapi ada juga peserta yang hanya mendapat 0.5 hektar. Jabatan Pertanian mestilah menjelaskan samada program ini telah dilaksanakan dengan adil ataupun hanya segelintir kroni yang memperoleh manfaat daripada program ini.
Untuk mereka yang memperoleh pendapatan bersih melebihi RM20,000 sebulan, soalannya adalah samada mereka masih berlayak untuk menyertai program TKPM dan terus menikmati sewaan lot tanah dan kos penyelenggaraan yang begitu rendah.
Teo Nie Ching
Timbalan Setiausaha Publisiti Kebangsaan DAP & Ahli Parlimen Kulai
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Prinsip “Check and Balance” perlu di antara SPRM dan Jabatan Peguam Negara
Kuasa pendakwaan harus terus diletakkan kepada Jabatan Peguam Negara
sungguhpun terdapat kekurangan dalam penyampaian Jabatan Peguam Negara.
Permintaan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) supaya kuasa pendakwaan diberi kepada SPRM untuk menjalankan pendakwaan terhadap orang kena tuduh (OKT) yang melanggar undang-undang pencegahan rasuah tidak wajar kerana ini bercanggahan dengan prinsip “check and balance” atau prinsip penyemakan dan pemantauan terhadap agen penyiasatan.
SPRM ialah sebuah agen kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab untuk menjalankan kerja-kerja penyiasatan kes jenayah rasuah manakala Jabatan Peguam Negara ialah sebuah agen kerajaan yang menjalankan tugas pendakwaan. Kedua-dua fungsi ini perlu diasingkan supaya tidak berlaku pertindihan dan pemusatan kuasa di satu-satu agensi kerajaan.
Kedua-dua fungsi ini juga perlu diasingkan supaya kuasa pendakwaan iaitu Jabatan Peguam Negara boleh melihat keseluruhan kes yang dibawa oleh kuasa penyiasatan dengan lebih menyeluruh, objektif dan professional supaya kes pendakwaan yang dibawa ke mahkamah ialah kes yang “water tight”, iaitu kes yang mempunyai asas yang kukuh untuk menang di mahkamah (keupayaan Jabatan Peguam Negara untuk mencapai tahap ini merupakan satu lagi isu yang perlu dibincang secara berasingan).
Kedua-dua SPRM dan Jabatan Peguam Negara tidak beroperasi secara bersendirian kerana sama ada berjaya atau tidak seseorang OKT disabit bersalah atas tuduhan rasuah di mahkamah juga bergantung kepada bentuk undang-undang mencegah rasuah yang sedia ada di Malaysia.
Satu kekurangan yang amat ketara dalam undang-undang pencegahan rasuah di Malaysia ialah seseorang dan ahli-ahli keluarganya yang mempunyai pendapatan dan harta yang lauh lebih banyak dan tidak sepadan dengan pendapatannya tidak dianggap rasuah.
Situasi ini sememangnya berbeza dengan perundangan yang ada di negara-negara maju seperti di Hong Kong di mana sekiranya perkara ini berlaku, maka seseorang penjawat awam itu boleh terus didakwa di mahkamah mengikut prosidur yang telah ditetapkan melalui Jabatan Kehakiman Hong Kong atau Department of Justice of Hong Kong.
Selain daripada faktor undang-undang, terdapat juga faktor-faktor yang lain yang menentukan berjaya atau tidak perjuangan menentang rasuah, termasuk penyelarasan gaji penjawat awam dan nilai jatidiri yang perlu diterap dengan lebih konsisten ke dalam perkhidmatan awam di Malaysia.
Justeru itu, masalah hakiki bukanlah tentang pemberian kuasa pendakwaan kepada SPRM untuk membawa kes rasuah ke mahkamah, malahan ianya bercanggahan dengan prinsip penyemakan dan pemantauan.
Permintaan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) supaya kuasa pendakwaan diberi kepada SPRM untuk menjalankan pendakwaan terhadap orang kena tuduh (OKT) yang melanggar undang-undang pencegahan rasuah tidak wajar kerana ini bercanggahan dengan prinsip “check and balance” atau prinsip penyemakan dan pemantauan terhadap agen penyiasatan.
SPRM ialah sebuah agen kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab untuk menjalankan kerja-kerja penyiasatan kes jenayah rasuah manakala Jabatan Peguam Negara ialah sebuah agen kerajaan yang menjalankan tugas pendakwaan. Kedua-dua fungsi ini perlu diasingkan supaya tidak berlaku pertindihan dan pemusatan kuasa di satu-satu agensi kerajaan.
Kedua-dua fungsi ini juga perlu diasingkan supaya kuasa pendakwaan iaitu Jabatan Peguam Negara boleh melihat keseluruhan kes yang dibawa oleh kuasa penyiasatan dengan lebih menyeluruh, objektif dan professional supaya kes pendakwaan yang dibawa ke mahkamah ialah kes yang “water tight”, iaitu kes yang mempunyai asas yang kukuh untuk menang di mahkamah (keupayaan Jabatan Peguam Negara untuk mencapai tahap ini merupakan satu lagi isu yang perlu dibincang secara berasingan).
Kedua-dua SPRM dan Jabatan Peguam Negara tidak beroperasi secara bersendirian kerana sama ada berjaya atau tidak seseorang OKT disabit bersalah atas tuduhan rasuah di mahkamah juga bergantung kepada bentuk undang-undang mencegah rasuah yang sedia ada di Malaysia.
Satu kekurangan yang amat ketara dalam undang-undang pencegahan rasuah di Malaysia ialah seseorang dan ahli-ahli keluarganya yang mempunyai pendapatan dan harta yang lauh lebih banyak dan tidak sepadan dengan pendapatannya tidak dianggap rasuah.
Situasi ini sememangnya berbeza dengan perundangan yang ada di negara-negara maju seperti di Hong Kong di mana sekiranya perkara ini berlaku, maka seseorang penjawat awam itu boleh terus didakwa di mahkamah mengikut prosidur yang telah ditetapkan melalui Jabatan Kehakiman Hong Kong atau Department of Justice of Hong Kong.
Selain daripada faktor undang-undang, terdapat juga faktor-faktor yang lain yang menentukan berjaya atau tidak perjuangan menentang rasuah, termasuk penyelarasan gaji penjawat awam dan nilai jatidiri yang perlu diterap dengan lebih konsisten ke dalam perkhidmatan awam di Malaysia.
Justeru itu, masalah hakiki bukanlah tentang pemberian kuasa pendakwaan kepada SPRM untuk membawa kes rasuah ke mahkamah, malahan ianya bercanggahan dengan prinsip penyemakan dan pemantauan.
Lau Weng San
ADUN Kawasan Kg Tunku
Friday, October 11, 2013
PAC ‘toothless’, fraud cases lowest priority
DAP MP Tony Pua today conceded that the Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is ‘toothless’ against graft cases, despite being a member of the panel.
This comes as PAC chairman Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed admitted that cases of power abuse are given the lowest priority under the committee’s jurisdiction.
“As a whole, I want to admit, it is true that PAC is toothless. PAC can only roar. We can make a lot of noise, but we don’t have any power,” Pua told a forum on the Auditor-General’s Report here.
“PAC can only go through several government agencies, or issues arising. Afterwards, that’s it. We have to hand them over to the enforcement agencies for follow-ups.”
The Petaling Jaya Utara MP gave the example of the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal, where former transport minister Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik was only charged with “cheating”, despite the PAC’s recommendation of a criminal breach of trust (CBT) charge.
Earlier in the same forum, Nur Jazlan explained that PAC members will cherry-pick issues to pursue, rather than handling all that come before them.
“Usually, they are issues involving the discipline of civil servants. Issues of embezzlement, I think they are at the bottom. The smallest issues,” Nur Jazlan told the forum.
“If there are elements of abuse of power, only then will we hand them over to the MACC for further actions,” he said, referring to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.
The PAC was announced last month by Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia and consists of nine Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs and five Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers.
The PAC’s composition revealed was said to reflect the composition of Parliament where the ruling coalition holds 133 seats against the federal opposition’s 89 seats.
In its first sitting, the PAC is expected to examine the role of Putrajaya’s investment arm Khazanah Nasional in the delay of the KLIA2 project.
Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek had also planned to explain to the committee about the payment of RM1.6 million for the performance of K-Pop artistes at the National Youth Day celebration 2012.- themalaymailonline
This comes as PAC chairman Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed admitted that cases of power abuse are given the lowest priority under the committee’s jurisdiction.
“As a whole, I want to admit, it is true that PAC is toothless. PAC can only roar. We can make a lot of noise, but we don’t have any power,” Pua told a forum on the Auditor-General’s Report here.
“PAC can only go through several government agencies, or issues arising. Afterwards, that’s it. We have to hand them over to the enforcement agencies for follow-ups.”
The Petaling Jaya Utara MP gave the example of the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) scandal, where former transport minister Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik was only charged with “cheating”, despite the PAC’s recommendation of a criminal breach of trust (CBT) charge.
Earlier in the same forum, Nur Jazlan explained that PAC members will cherry-pick issues to pursue, rather than handling all that come before them.
“Usually, they are issues involving the discipline of civil servants. Issues of embezzlement, I think they are at the bottom. The smallest issues,” Nur Jazlan told the forum.
“If there are elements of abuse of power, only then will we hand them over to the MACC for further actions,” he said, referring to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.
The PAC was announced last month by Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia and consists of nine Barisan Nasional (BN) MPs and five Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lawmakers.
The PAC’s composition revealed was said to reflect the composition of Parliament where the ruling coalition holds 133 seats against the federal opposition’s 89 seats.
In its first sitting, the PAC is expected to examine the role of Putrajaya’s investment arm Khazanah Nasional in the delay of the KLIA2 project.
Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek had also planned to explain to the committee about the payment of RM1.6 million for the performance of K-Pop artistes at the National Youth Day celebration 2012.- themalaymailonline
Monday, October 7, 2013
DAP rejects Christian state, wants cops to act against ‘dangerous lies’
In a statement today, the opposition party’s secretary-general Lim Guan Eng demanded to know the reason for police inaction against those he said had persistently propagated the unsubstantiated claim that DAP was attempting to build a Christian theocracy in the northern state.
“DAP is consistent in opposing any establishment of a theocratic state, including opposing a Christian state,” said Lim, who is also Penang chief minister.
“Anwar is correct that there was no truth in such lies against the DAP and me because both DAP and myself has been unwavering in our support for the position in the Federal Constitution of Islam as the religion of the Federation,” he said, backing political ally and PKR de facto chief, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who had made similar remarks over the weekend.
The lawmaker added, “These lies were made by Umno groups and Utusan Malaysia against the DAP merely on the flimsy ground that DAP leaders had attended a closed-door meeting with Christian pastors.”
Anwar, who is also Permatang Pauh MP, was yesterday reported to have refuted any plans by DAP to do so, saying he had not witnessed any attempts.
“From all our meetings and from all the documents I have received or seen from the DAP, the party or its leaders have never raised such issues... Indeed, if they tried, PAS and PKR would never allow it,” Anwar told reporters yesterday.
“Any group who tries to stir up racial and religious sentiments must be rejected even if they come from the Muslim community,” added Anwar.
Pro-Umno bloggers recently reignited the theocratic debate when they claimed DAP leaders had held clandestine meetings with Christian pastors, leading to several police reports against the party and several pastors.
Lim said today there is nothing wrong with their leaders meeting Christian pastors in closed-door sessions, and pointed out they had also attended meetings with leaders of other religious groups, including Islam.
Malay broadsheet, Utusan Malaysia, had also made the same accusation two years ago, claiming DAP was conspiring with Christian leaders to take over Putrajaya and abolish Islam as the country’s official religion.
Police investigation on DAP’s Jelutong MP, Jeff Ooi, had proved the allegation to be a lie, Lim said.
He stressed that Ooi is a Buddhist.
“Even though police closed the case, no action was taken against these irresponsible groups who spread such lies,” Limsaid. - themalaymailonline
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Jelaskan statistik sebenar kekosongan guru seluruh negara

Ahli Parlimen DAP Kulai, Teo Nie Ching berkata, statistik harus dinyatakan jika Kementerian Pendidikan benar-benar telah membuat perancangan untuk mengatasi masalah itu.
Menurutnya, pada Januari 2012, Kementerian Pendidikan membuka kursus Diploma Perguruan Lepasan Ijazah (DPLI) bagi menyelesaikan masalah kekurangan guru di sekolah rendah dan menengah, namun graduan Guru Sandaran Tidak Terlatih (GSTT) yang tamat pengajian Mei lalu masih belum ditempatkan hingga sekarang.
“Kementerian Pendidikan mesti bertanggungjawab dengan memberi penjelasan atau statistik berhubung permasalahan itu. Jika tidak, perkara ini sekali lagi menunjukkan kegagalan mereka dalam membuat perancangan sempurna yang akhirnya membazirkan sumber negara,” katanya dalam kenyataan.
Berdasarkan jawapan lisan 30 September lalu, Timbalan Menteri Pendidikan II, P. Kamalanathan menyatakan bahawa graduan GSTT-DPLI adalah sebanyak 6,020 orang di mana sebanyak 2,017 orang di bawah kategori sekolah rendah dan 4,003 sekolah menengah.
Kamalanathan mendakwa senarai calon lepasan graduan itu telah dikemukakan kepada Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Pendidikan (SPP) dan temuduga dijangka akan dijalankan pada Oktober dan lantikannya bermula Januari tahun depan.
Menyelar jawapan lisan itu, Nie Ching yang juga Penolong Setiausaha Publisiti Kebangsaan DAP menegaskan, melalui semakannya menerusi laman web Kementerian Pendidikan atau SPP masih belum ada sebarang maklumat mengenai temuduga itu sehingga kini.
“Apabila graduan menelefon jabatan berkenaan, pegawai terbabit tidak dapat memberi tarikh temuduga seperti yang dikatakan Timbalan Menteri.
“Semua graduan telah menandatangani kontrak perkhidmatan selama dua tahun dengan kementerian maka ini menjadi halangan kepada mereka untuk mencari pekerjaan alternatif terutamanya di sektor swasta.
“Pernahkah Kementerian mengambil berat terhadap mereka apabila mereka perlu menunggu penempatan selama tujuh bulan dan menghadapi masalah pengangguran serta menanggung kos sara hidup yang tinggi?,” soalnya.
Nie Ching turut mempersoalkan tindakan Kementerian yang sengaja melambat-lambatkan proses temuduga dan penempatan graduan tanpa sebarang alasan munasabah.
“Kajian tidak rasmi menunjukkan sebanyak 100 hingga 120 kekosongan guru di sekolah rendah. Jika kekurangan itu sudah lama berlaku, mengapa temuduga dan penempatan graduan GSTT-DPLI masih ditangguhkan?
“Tambahan pula, pengajian DPLI telah melahirkan 6,000 tenaga pengajar yang masih menunggu penempatan, ia menimbulkan satu keraguan besar, apakah benar kita mempunyai 6,000 kekosongan guru di semua sekolah yang mampu menampung keperluan secukupnya?,” soalnya lagi.- Roketkini.com
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Audit Petronas, says DAP
KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 2, 2013): A DAP MP is urging the
government to amend the Petroleum Development 1974 Act and allow the
Auditor-General to investigate and audit national oil company Petronas'
Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming said it is timely that the government amend the act to allow for a more transparent and accountable manner in managing the country's wealth in the oil and gas sector.
"It is not a private company but one placed under a statute. Why then was an audit never carried out before?" asked Nga in a press conference at the Parliament lobby today.
He said that currently, only Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has access to Petronas's accounts and its internal audit reports.
"This is not right as the people deserve to know what is going on with regards to Petronas's financial situation, since it contributes 40% to the country's revenue," he said.
Nga also said Petronas had paid the government a total of RM732 billion, based on a written reply provided by the Prime Minister's Department.
The reply reveals that Petronas paid RM278 billion in company dividends, RM124 billion for petroleum revenue, RM310 billion in income tax and RM20 billion was paid on export duty.
"The national oil company's revenue must be made public for the people's interest," Nga - added. thesundaily
Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming said it is timely that the government amend the act to allow for a more transparent and accountable manner in managing the country's wealth in the oil and gas sector.
"It is not a private company but one placed under a statute. Why then was an audit never carried out before?" asked Nga in a press conference at the Parliament lobby today.
He said that currently, only Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak has access to Petronas's accounts and its internal audit reports.
"This is not right as the people deserve to know what is going on with regards to Petronas's financial situation, since it contributes 40% to the country's revenue," he said.
Nga also said Petronas had paid the government a total of RM732 billion, based on a written reply provided by the Prime Minister's Department.
The reply reveals that Petronas paid RM278 billion in company dividends, RM124 billion for petroleum revenue, RM310 billion in income tax and RM20 billion was paid on export duty.
"The national oil company's revenue must be made public for the people's interest," Nga - added. thesundaily
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